My .NET focused coding blog.

Displaying and editing many-to-many relational data in a WPF DataGrid

This post provides an example of how you could display and let the user edit many-to-many relational data from Entity Framwork in a dynamic and data-bound DataGrid control in WPF by programmatically adding a DataGridCheckBoxColumn to the grid for every entity object that represents a row in the “child” table of the relationship between the two tables:

Dynamic DataGrid
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Implementing a generic data access layer using Entity Framework

This post is about how you can develop a generic data access layer (DAL) with full CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) support using Entity Framework 5 with plain old CLR objects (POCOs) and short-lived contexts in a disconnected and stateless N-tier application.

Entity Framework (EF) is Microsoft’s recommended data access technology when building new .NET applications. It is an object-relational mapping framework (ORM) that enables developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects without having to write code to access data from a database.
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