My .NET focused coding blog.

Creating a React App From Scratch

A tutorial of how to setup a React web application from scratch without using any build tools, frameworks or compilers and then gradually evolving it, step-by-step, to include support for the following:

  • JSX in-browser transformation using a standalone build of Babel
  • JSX precompilation using the Babel command-line interface
  • JavaScript/ECMAScript 6 modules (ESM)
  • Consuming packages using the Node Package Manager
  • Bundling and caching using Webpack
  • Live reloading of changes in development mode using the Webpack Development Server
  • CSS including modules and pre-processing using Sass
  • Unit testing using the React Testing Library and Jest
  • JavaScript and CSS linting using ESLint and Stylelint respectively
  • Browser backwards compatibility and polyfilling using Babel, Browserslist, Core-js and PostCSS
  • Type safety and improved tooling support using TypeScript

You’ll end up with something that you can use a boilerplate for any React project that doesn’t need any full-stack framework specific features. Hopefully you will also get a better understanding of some of the most commonly used components in the open-source JavaScript ecosystem and what role they play in the context of developing, building and testing a client-side rendered React web application.
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